Sunday 26 November 2017

Simon Morris - Pause paintings

Artist Simon Morris is interested in geometric abstraction. This covers object based paintings, installations and collaborations with other people. Within the context of the paintings, it allows him to think about how to make a geometric image in a way that allows him some opportunity to set the parameters of what these paintings are going to be but also let him make a painting where a system or formula helped him make decisions about what to do next.

He enjoys the unpredictable nature of this way of working. He uses black because it is a reductionist colour and focuses the attention on the pattern as opposed to the colours. I also enjoy working in this way - perhaps because I feel confident that I know that I am producing something even if I do not know what I am producing! Getting a balance between chaos and control is the challenge.

Pause 4.5 (2006) and Pause 5.5 (2006), are part of an ongoing series of paintings that have been produced by following a mathematical system.

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