Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Plan of action

If you step inside the Newcastle University Fine Art department at the moment you are likely to detect an unusual energy in the atmosphere. This is an energy consisting of multiple emotions, from excitement and anticipation to frustration and anxiety.

We, (the 10 current MFA students) are less than 2 weeks away from the opening of the Master of Fine Art Exhibition. For half of the cohort, this will be the final exhibition marking the end of their 2 year postgraduate studies, and the other 5 students have another year to look forward to! When I look back at what I have done in the 2 years, I can see how far my work has travelled, and am pleased that I have really challenged myself and tried out new ways of working. I started the first year making plaster cast sculptures, and am now working with audio and video installation alongside some performance! I love how this multidisciplinary approach gives me the freedom to remain true to my ideas and realise them in the most appropriate way.

There are, of course, many problems associated with such a way of working, and my unfamiliarity with some of the things I am using has lead to some sleepless nights and the occasional curse erupting from my mouth!

My head feels bombarded with things to remember and tasks that need to be done. I am an avid list writer, and at the moment this is the stage that I am at:


It's easy to be totally consumed by your own work, and it is exciting to venture into the other students spaces and see the changes and progression of their work.

I shared a wonderful moment of satisfaction with Bex Harvey as we admired the set that she is constructing. Just look at that column!

For more photos of other works in progress keep checking the MFA Exhibition Facebook page and event page

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