Thursday, 3 November 2016

Readings at 'A lot can happen in fifteen minutes' publication launch at NewBridge Bookshop

Reading One - 5 readers are dispersed around the gallery and are mingling with the audience.

Reader 1 reads the first paragraph from one of the texts within my publication.
Reader 2 reads the second paragraph from the text
Reader 3 reads the third paragraph from the text
Reader 4 reads the fourth paragraph from the text
Reader 5 reads the fifth paragraph from the text
The readers close the publication they are holding.

Reading 2 - 2 readers face each other.

1 reader reads the left column of text in the publication
The other reader reads the right column of the text in the publication 

Reading 3 - 6 readers form a circle facing outwards towards the audience.

All readers read the same text at the same time, but the speed at which they read is varied.
During the middle of the text, readers stop after they have said 'These awkward silences'.
There is an awkward silence.
The readers begin reading the rest of the text, but stagger when they start, meaning that the final words of the text is read by one person alone.

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