Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Talking Trade Unions over tea and toast

Theresa Easton from Artists Union England joined us for tea and toast at The NewBridge Project this morning.

8 to 14 February is heartunions week, and Theresa was telling us more about what it is and what is happening to celebrate it over the next few days.

Heartunions week is a week of activity throughout England and Wales promoting the benefits of trades unionism, raising the profile of unions in their communities and online.

On Thursday 9 February at 12:30pm the General Secretary of the British Trades Union Congress, Frances O’Grady will be taking part in “The Big Workplace Meeting”. She will be talking about the importance of unions in the workplace and the vital role unions reps play.

The Big Workplace Meeting will be a short live event, broadcast to branch meetings throughout the country. Artists Union England will be joining up with Unite Community, 4th Floor, Broadacre House to tune into the event. They welcome interested people to bring their lunch and find out more!

For more information please visit

To hear Theresa talk a little about Artists Union England, please visit

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