Wednesday 8 August 2018

Julia Cameron talks about The Artist's Way on BBC Radio 4's Front Row

Monday night's edition of BBC Radio 4's Front Row featured an interview with Julia Cameron, filmaker, novelist, poet, playright and author of The Artist's Way. The Artist's Way is a creative self-help book that has sold over 4 million copies and garnered dedicated fans around the world. In the episode she explains the philosophy behind her 12 week programme and answers listener's questions.

Julia Cameron is a believer in the democratic power of creativity and thinks that everyone has an innate create energy. She holds the belief that it is possible to foster the artist, that sometimes forgotten or neglected spirit inside all of us. Through The Artist's Way, her aim is to allow people to tap into that creative energy. She regards happiness as a by product of creativity.

Cameron acknowledges that we experience blockages to creativity, and suggests that this starts in childhood. If children have a dream to be an artist, they are often told that it is not a proper job and are directed towards a different career choice (probably one that is more financially stable).

In her book, The Artist's Way, Cameron aimed to demystify the creative process and allow people to follow their artistic dreams. 

In order to foster creativity, she proposes doing a number of activities. These include

Morning pages (daily)
Produce 3 pages of longhand morning writing first thing in the morning
Write anything and everything that crosses your mind
This clears the debris that stands between you and your creativity and helps get rid of inner critic.

Artist dates (once a week)
Do something that is purely for your enjoyment.

Go for a walk (twice a week)

To listen to the episode please visit

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