Opening the doors to the public during The Late Shows 2018 marks the completion of phase 1 of the huge DIY rebuild of the Star and Shadow cinema in their new location on Warwick Street. Over the past 2 years an immense team of volunteers have dedicated hours of time and put in loads of hard graft in order to make this happen.

Last night the proud volunteers showed us round. The cinema currently is awaiting a delivery of chairs, but the rest of the space looks great. Artwork has been specially commissioned and the volunteers have creatively reused scraps of OSB board and individually coloured lightbulbs on the ceiling.
The current photography exhibition showcases the work of 4 artists who have each captured everyday life in Newcastle. The next stop on the tour was the toilets, and these did deserve a look. The walls are covered in a mixture of handmade and donated tiles, creating a homely feel to the facilities.
The second venue space was filled with people enjoying the sounds of a steel drum band, and the cafe was proving very popular.

It was really exciting to hear about the opportunities to get involved and what is in store for the future. I'm keen to get involved and make the most of the range of facilities available. "Star & Shadow Cinema is more than a cinema. It is an alternative social, cultural, arts and community hub run by a collective of volunteers."