I've just returned from an amazing trip to Canada.
I have got thousands of photos to sort through and edit, but will then be uploading some images to the blog!
I visited the Banff Centre which was much more expansive than I had appreciated. Some great facilities, and an incredible setting to work in.
The Fiona Tan exhibition at Vancouver Art Gallery was one of my art highlights, particularly her two-channel film installation titled Rise and Fall. Some very powerful shots of waterfalls.
I was also excited by the activity of the non-profit artist run centre called ArtSpeak. Artspeak presents contemporary practices, innovative publications, bookworks, editions, talks and events that encourage a dialogue between visual art and writing. The gallery is currently inhabited by experimental, small run, and self-published artist books, magazines, and fanzines that have been made by Motto, a Berlin and Zürich-based bookstore. I love the way that the books are displayed on the walls, although reading those at the top is somewhat difficult!