Friday 5 June 2015

Jelly update and silicone experimentation

Having left the jelly to set in the fridge last night, today I was eager to see how it had turned out. Unfortunately the cone of jelly had leaked over the bottom of the fridge, and the jelly had not set in a defined cone, despite being in a cone holder. I think that the piping bag must not have been a tight enough fit or think enough to keep the jelly in the desired shape. 

The single layer of jelly in second mould (shaped as a ring) had set well, and so today I made two more layers of jelly (one orange and the other pink) and poured them into the ring-shaped mould. 

The studio is very hot at the moment, so I am not sure how long the jelly will stay in a solid state once it is out of the fridge, but it could be interesting to see the shape deteriorate.

I wanted to experiment once again with working with silicone in a painterly way, and wanted to created the kind of marbled effect that I had achieved previously. 

The result of my experimentation was not as I had hoped for, and I was unhappy with the colours as I think they look like they have come straight from a tube. I try, as much as possible, not to use primary colours on there own, and even though i mixed these colours, i feel like they need further work.                                                                                                                      

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