Friday 12 December 2014


I was one of a group of students who have been involved in 'The Art of Straying', a research fellowship organised by Bridget Kennedy.

We have been on a number of journeys, including a walking meditation in the atrium at the University, urban rambles, a 'big adventure' and a trip to Cheeseburn.

Wander|n was an event; a group response to our engagement on the fellowship, and an opportunity to share our experiences with others.

We began in the XL gallery with a 15 minute walking meditation, and then were lead downstairs and along a corridor to a damp spiral staircase. At the top of these stairs, Simon handed out cups with tomato soup and a biscuit to enjoy as he told us a story about one of the urban rambles and then read a couple of T.S. Eliot poems.

We then meandered to Zoe's studio space where she presented an installation featuring an assortment of objects such as stones and branches that she found whilst on our journeys in combination with various other objects that she has collected over years. The origins and information about such items were contained within a concertina book which she passed around.

Franziska and Michael then took us to a couple of viewpoints in the university pointing out the way that the old building is often engulfed by the new building, with both styles of architecture being on view. They compared this with their Art School in Munich.

Once in the atrium space I recited my instructions to disrupt usual walking patterns, reading them like a poem. I handed out the instructions for people to take away and try out in their own time. This idea stemmed from my experience of the walking meditation, and how this exercise had made me consider the way in which we move and being more conscious of the journeys we take.

Before reaching the XL gallery agin, we stopped at the 2 statues at the entrance to the Hatton Gallery and Charlotte read us a story about the figures.

The event closed with a picnic, with homemade edibles and warming drinks.                                                       

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