Saturday 23 August 2014

Friday 22nd August at Dumfries House

Sadly, today is my last day at Dumfries House, and as I have to be out of the studio and apartment by 10am, there is not much time to make work.

It was a bright morning and the Estate looked as beautiful as ever.

The cafe, and the building in which our apartment was located upstairs.

Typical colours of the Dumfries House estate

 The artists studios (back view)

 The artists studios (front view)

My studio was the one on the top left of the image above.

It contained some lovely objects.

I was a little dubious about the concoctions next to the sugar!

 I dropped off my donated artwork with Charlotte, the Curator at Dumfries House, and enjoyed my final hours spending the time with David and Nikki (I'm going to blog about them over the next few days).

Nikki and David sat on the steps up to the apartment

The whole residency has been fantastic, and definitely not long enough. I've met some wonderful people, made a couple of great friends and feel my practice has been enriched by the experience. 

The next few weeks are full on with preparing for my move to Newcastle, but the residency has given me a taste of what it is like to have the time and space to intensively focus on my own practice, and I am really excited about having the 2 year MFA course at Newcastle University to do just that!

My thanks go to everyone at Dumfries House for making the residency so beneficial. I hope to be able to spend more time there in the future.

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