Friday 11 April 2014

Opening of the Reid Building

GSA staff and students piled out of the Mackintosh Building and moved over the road to official opening of the Reid Building along with thousands of invited guests.

A lively duo of Johnny Roger and Sam DeSantis acted as compares for the opening proceedings, introducing speeches by the current and former GSA Directors, Scottish funding council and GSA alumni, Robbie Coltrane.

Makar and GSA alumni Liz Lochhead played her part by writing the words to the song that the talented GSA choir performed with excellence.

From past student, to present and future as a current Architecture student and youngster from a local school were given the honour of launching the Rube Goldberg machine.

Neil McGuire gave a running commentary of the knock on effect style machine as it whizzed around the building, finishing with the release of balloons and confetti.

With the formalities over, we were invited to share a celebratory drink, enjoy some delicious street food, and explore the Reid building.

I particularly liked the installation by Petter Yxell, with its strong connections to architecture, the built environment and history.

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