Monday 6 January 2014

Final day of casting

I repeated the process carried out yesterday; removing the casts from their moulds, cleaning the moulds and reassembling them before filling them again with coloured plaster.

My target for today was to finish casting, using all the moulds for both the floor pieces and the moulds for the bookshelves. About half way through, I ran out of plaster (my eighth bag!) Having to complete the casting tomorrow, once I had been able to buy more plaster, would have a big impact on my schedule for the rest of the week, so a phonecall was made to Ruth to see if she had any spare plaster in her studio that I could purchase from her immediately. Ruth didnt have any plaster, but she was able to contact a friend who had a spare bag. Miss Rachel O'Neill - thanks for coming to the rescue! With an additional bag of plaster, I was able to cast in all of the moulds prepared, hand ave a little to spare in case of any emergency.

These are the casts I made for the shelves yesterday. When I laid them out and looked at them alongside the first casts I made for the shelves about a month ago, I can see how they have progressed, and I now prefer the more recent casts. I don't have enough of the newer casts to be able to fill the whole bookcase and so I will have to try to balance the old with the new so that they become a whole rather than a couple of different works.

I have now developed quite a range of single-coloured floor tiles:

These are the latest batch from today:

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