Wednesday 17 October 2012

SAU Petition to Creative Scotland

SAU Petition to Creative Scotland

As part of the Scottish Artists Union's business, at the recent AGM a proposal was made by the executive committee to approach Creative Scotland with a set of demands. 
We are initiating a petition aiming to gather evidence of support for the following proposals.
The Scottish Artists Union demands that Creative Scotland
· Adopts transparent decision-making processes, involving artists in all decision-making that affects artists and providing clear feedback on all decisions. 

· Provides a reliable, accessible and effective infrastructure for artists and makers focused on the long term sustainability of the sector and its organisations.

·  Ensures through Grant Offers that all organisations in receipt of CS investment use appropriate Contracts.

·  Endorses and adopts all Union Recommended Rates of Pay for artists as minimum levels, and ensure through Grant Offers that all organisations in receipt of Creative Scotland grants and investments at a minimum implement these rates.

·  Makes the payment of exhibition fees (in addition to any other relevant commissions, fees and expenses) mandatory for all organisations in receipt of grants and investments.

· Monitors the implementation of all of these measures through grant and investment reporting requirements.

It is very important that as many people as possible sign this petition.

Please support this action by signing the petition. Offering evidence to Government and Creative Scotland that there is support for these changes, can influence positively the outcome of recent events.

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