Thursday 26 April 2012

GIAB Progress

Had a good meeting with Harald at lunch and sorted out last preparations - printing of signage, collecting catalogues, collecting the banner, dress code for GIAB team etc

Unfortunately the Mitchell library has to close at 5pm on Friday so we have had to bring Benedict's talk forward so it will now start at 3:30pm and finish at approximately 4:45pm. Further discussion will take place at the pub! Email: to reserve a place.

Demand for the workshops has been overwhelming, and all 3 workshops are now fully booked.

I then spent the afternoon in the wood workshop making GIAB sandwich boards to have outside the venue.

As I was walking to the GIAB volunteer meeting I stopped at a few places to drop off some more GIAB postcards (they are everywhere!)

 Tonight I met with some of the wonderful GIAB volunteers to go through volunteer roles and availability etc. It is really good that we have a team of helpers to aid in the smooth running of this event.

 I also found out that we are featured in a French online artists book journal Hopefully we are also get a mention in the English version so keep your eyes peeled.

Exciting times!

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